Nassau County, NY - Official Website
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Nassau County, NY - LandRecord Lookup
This viewer contains a set of property maps of every parcel within the County of Nassau. The public information contained herein is furnished as a public service by Nassau County for use as a research tool.
"Nassau County - Long Island, New York"
Nassau County is a wonderful place to raise a family and enjoy a quality of life that is unsurpassed. The Nassau County Clerk's Office maintains a record of all Nassau County real estate transactions that is available for public review.
"Nassau County - Long Island, New York"
What must I do to establish a new business in Nassau County? To file a business name, you need to complete the necessary documents. Applicants can obtain forms from most commercial/legal stationery stores, an attorney or from the County Clerk's website.
Nassau County LRV Viewer
Nassau County 1926. Nassau County 1950. New York State Maps. NYS 2000. NYS 2004. NYS 2007. NYS 2010. NYS 2013. Identify. Measurement Tools ...
"Nassau County - Long Island, New York"
The Nassau County Clerk’s Office offers a variety of services to assist the courts, legal professionals, and the public. We process hundreds of millions of dollars per year in transactions and have many statutory duties.
Nassau County - FOIL Requests
Article 6 of the New York Public Officers Law (sections 84-90), which is also known as the Freedom of Information Law ("FOIL"), gives members of the public a right of access to government records, with certain exceptions that are enumerated in Section 87(2).
"Nassau County - Long Island, New York"
Nassau County family income is in the top ten percent of the nation with the number one retail sales per household. While these dramatic economic changes occurred, other institutional development flourished.
Map Viewer - Nassau County, NY
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Permits & Licenses | Nassau County, NY - Official Website
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulates environmental affairs in Nassau County. Air Pollution Control Permit Program Clean Air Permits