Does the family of Nelson Mandela, like many other families, suffer with addiction problems? Nelson Mandela’s grandson, Mbuso Mandela has been embroiled in controversy for many years. On January 8, ...
Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder, has been a commonly misjudged social problem for centuries. Despite modern evidence and dissemination of its complex properties, many people still ...
A fundamental principal of recovery is having easy access to good addiction recovery help and rehabilitation centres. Please see the list of locations below to find a quality addiction treatment ...
Tik is a fairly recently introduced drug based on methamamphetamine. It is a powerful stimulant that temporarily improves energy, alertness, awareness, performance, confidence, courage and social ...
The remedial treatment of children and adolescents suffering from mental or substance use disorders or exposure to trauma, require high levels of expertise, sensitivity, compassion, patience and skill ...
Drug addiction is classified as a physical or psychological dependence on a drug. It can be both. Addiction can occur with drugs as common as aspirin or as insidious as amphetamines, cocaine or heroin ...
Cannabis is an umbrella term for a plant species used in the production of an addictive recreational drug universally known as marijuana. It has numerous street names, including dagga, hashish, rope ...
Drug addiction (now known as substance use disorder) is an involuntary long-term condition characterised by compelling, repetitive and potentially fatal urges to consume mind altering drugs, ...
The rules for each sober home may differ from home to home however there are usually these universal rules to ensure that all residents living in the home maintain a steady and progressive path ...
Gambling addiction, now reclassified as gambling disorder, is marked by a consistent inability to control urges to gamble, despite negative consequences or a desire to stop. Sufferers are preoccupied ...
Detoxification treatment in substance use disorder is the systematic removal of poisonous chemicals from a person’s body. It is commonly applied when people cease chronic usage of drugs, and for ...
Inpatient rehabilitation programs refer to services provided by residential centres, where patients stay in the centre for the duration of a specialist treatment program under professional guidance.