Saturday is Civil Defense Day in Tyrol. Test warnings will be issued for both sirens and smartphones/mobile phones. Don't ...
With the Mur power plant in Gratkorn, one of the largest hydropower projects of recent years was completed on Friday. Three ...
The Lugner family dispute escalates: Widow Simone Lugner and daughter Jacqueline are at loggerheads - and even "Mausi" is ...
Familienstreit bei den Lugners eskaliert: Witwe Simone Lugner und Tochter Jacqueline liegen im Clinch – und selbst „Mausi“ ...
Bis auf die Straße hinaus Das habe besonders zur Stoßzeit gravierende Folgen: „Besonders an Vormittagen gibt es oft ...
Out onto the street This has serious consequences, especially at peak times: "Particularly on mornings, there are often queues that stretch out into the street. In extreme cases, you may even have to ...
Im Juli führte die EU-Kommission Strafzölle gegen chinesische E-Autos ein. Diese bleiben nun langfristig. Bis 2029 sollen ...
There was a home invasion in Vienna-Floridsdorf on Thursday evening. An 84-year-old woman was tied up in her apartment by ...
Donnerstagabend ist es in Wien-Floridsdorf zu einer Home Invasion gekommen. Eine 84-Jährige wurde in ihrer Wohnung von ...
In July, the EU Commission introduced punitive tariffs against Chinese e-cars. These will now remain in place for the long ...
Die Salzburger Landesregierung hat am Freitag ihre neue Wohnbauförderung vorgestellt. Dabei sei vor allem das System ...
The Salzburg state government presented its new housing subsidies on Friday. Above all, the system has been simplified. This ...