Cardiff University has been awarded the Race Equality Charter Bronze Award in recognition of its progress to understand and ...
Programmes designed to break down barriers, dispel myths and misconceptions, and to support pupils through their educational journey. We have dedicated members of staff within the Widening ...
The School of Medicine is a major international centre for teaching and research, and committed to the pursuit of improved human health. We combine progressive healthcare education and patient care ...
The Skills and Employment Survey (2017) collects data on what people do at work, what skills they use and how they work. The 2017 survey is the seventh in a series of studies which began in 1986. A ...
The 2021 Senedd Cymru/Welsh Parliament election saw a significant change to the electoral franchise in Wales, with 16-and-17-year-olds allowed to vote for the first time. Bearing these uniquely ...
Matthew Boswell Centre for the Creative Economy at Cardiff University), Dorota Goluch (Cardiff University), Nicola Keller (Cardiff University), Marc Schweissinger (Cardiff University) Matthew Boswell ...
The College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is a vibrant, diverse and inspiring community, spanning 10 academic Schools and committed to excellence in teaching and research. We are involved in ...
These online modules provide master’s level Continuing Professional Development (CPD) education for healthcare professionals who specialise in the field of acute and critical care. They are also aimed ...
We’re an AACSB International and AMBA-accredited business school with a clear public value purpose: to make a positive impact in the communities of Wales and the world.
This module explores the language and iconography of propaganda, the rise of mass communication, and the ways in which our understanding of the world around is shaped by the language of persuasion.
Cardiff University research into women’s health, mental health, and tackling cancer are to be among the key areas of research to share £39.5m of funding from Health and Care Research Wales over the ...
Cardiff University will launch a formal consultation on proposed changes designed to realise its ambitions and secure the University’s long-term future. The consultation, which runs for 90 days, ...