ORS 181A.250—prohibits police from collecting or maintaining information about the political, religious, or social views, and ...
Georgia Pharmacy Defies DEA, Begins Selling Medical Marijuana to Patients. Lawmakers passed a law under which pharmacies would sell medical marijuana to qualified patients, But the DEA then sent ...
A Virginia prosecutor turns pot peddler, an Illinois cop gets caught with weed, cash, and testosterone, and more. Let's get ...
Another bill aimed at combatting the fentanyl trade advances in the House, the Florida marijuana legalization initiative campaign is getting very spendy, and more. A pair of Democratic senators file a ...
A pair of Democratic senators file a bill to keep fentanyl out of federal prisons, President Biden addresses the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats, and more. The odor of burnt ...
Fatal drug overdoses have declined dramatically, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC). The provisional drug overdose count for the 12-month period ...
The Democratic candidate for governor in West Virginia says legalize marijuana, the Seattle city council approves neighborhood exclusion orders for drug offenders, and more. Florida Gov. Ron De Santis ...
A bill to reauthorize the drug czar's office has been filed, the Czech Republic is moving toward marijuana legalization, and more. A bipartisan group of lawmakers has filed a marijuana legalization ...
A billion "low-value" packages skate past Customs each year. Some contain cheap clothing from China; others contain fentanyl, and a new Senate bill aims to do something about both. But will it ...
A small-town Utah police chief develops a bad habit, a small-town Texas police chief and her fellow cop partner had a side business slinging meth, and more. Let's get to it: In Gunnison, Utah, the ...