山陀兒颱風來襲,除了南台灣災情慘重之外,基隆昨天雨量創紀錄,各地區傳出街道積水、淹水,甚至土石崩落的災情。基隆市議長童子瑋今(10/4)在臉書PO出照片,基隆環保局清潔大樓後方因為發生山崩,不僅沖垮擺放環保機具的鐵皮倉庫,甚至有多部清潔隊卡車滑落而遭 ...
山陀兒颱風來襲前全台警戒,高屏連續4天停班停課創紀錄,然而北部除了基隆災情慘重外,其他地區風雨不若預期嚴重,連續2天停班停課引發各界質疑,紛紛將矛頭指向提供天氣預報的氣象署。對此,氣象署今(10/4)回應,秋颱的預測難度高且容易受環境產生交互作用影響 ...
前總統馬英九日前於美國哈佛大學發表演說,並與盧森堡首相Luc Frieden、祕魯前總理Roberto Dañino等領袖會談。馬英九表示,台灣不是棋子,兩岸的未來發展應由兩岸人民自己決定。賴清德總統的「新兩國論」台獨宣言,已引發美國政、商、學界疑慮 ...
The new figure would make the assault, in which civilians were shot dead as they dug trenches to defend the remote town of ...
More than 20 months after Tyre Nichols was fatally beaten, the first trial involving the former Memphis police officers has ...
Republican former Rep. Liz Cheney on Thursday said she is “proudly” casting her vote for Vice President Kamala Harris in ...
Researchers recently examined stem cells to see if they could hit the “pause button” on human development. By inhibiting a ...
Former House GOP conference chair Liz Cheney and former Trump White House aides Alyssa Farah Griffin, Cassidy Hutchinson and ...
Bruce Springsteen has endorsed Kamala Harris for president, adding that her rival Donald Trump’s “disdain” for the ...
The mysterious traveling figure first surfaced in Las Vegas before arriving in Phoenix. It is titled “Crooked and Obscene.” ...
The walkout threatened to plunge the holiday shopping season into turmoil and become an issue in next month's presidential ...