Müharibədəki ağır məğlubiyyətdən sonra İrəvanda siyasi xaos yaranıb. Bu böhran fonunda  əhalinin bir qismi hökumətin ...
Moskvanın “Qırmızı yelkənlər” yaşayış kompleksində baş verən partlayışda həlak olan “Arbat” batalyonunun yaradıcısı Armen Sarkisyan Troekurovskoye qəbiristanlığında basdırılıb. Qəbiristanlıqda və onun ...
The Monday bomb explosion that killed an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin may have been a suicide attack, according to Russian media reports on Tuesday that cited law enforcement sources.
The suicide bomber could be the perpetrator of the assassination attempt on the founder of the Donetsk battalion "ArBat", head of the Boxing Federation of the DNR Armen Sarkisyan - this was reported ...
Tass and the RIA Novosti news agency, both citing a law enforcement source, identified one of the dead as Armen Sarkisyan, the founder of a volunteer battalion fighting in Ukraine who also heads a ...
Armen Sarkisyan, whom Ukraine has accused of aiding Russia’s war in Donetsk, was targeted in the attack; he was critically injured and later died in hospital, according to the Kommersant newspaper.
MOSCOW, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- A pro-Russian paramilitary leader from eastern Ukraine, Armen Sarkisyan, has died from his injuries in a blast at a residential building in Moscow, local media reported ...
Armen Sarkisyan died Monday at a Moscow hospital from injuries sustained in an explosion in an upmarket residential complex in the capital city, TASS quoted the medical services as saying.
In Moscow, a pro-Russian paramilitary leader from eastern Ukraine, Armen Sarkisyan, was killed yesterday when a bomb tore through parts of a luxury apartment block, state news agency TASS and ...
Armen Sarkisyan died Monday at a Moscow hospital from injuries sustained in an explosion in an upmarket residential complex in the capital city, TASS quoted the medical services as saying. The Russian ...