I årtier har han kæmpet for grønlandsk selvstændighed. Men nu skifter den kendte grønlandske politiker og forfatter, Aqqaluk Lynge, kurs.
- Det her er ikke en folkeafstemning for eller imod et eller andet. Det her er et almindeligt valg, men vi er midt i en meget ...
The inhabitants of the autonomous Danish territory are going to the polls on Tuesday to elect their parliament. Among the ...
Donald Trump’s threats to take the territory have divided parliamentary candidates over the future of Danish rule ...
Aqqaluk Lynge er ikke bleg for at gøre brug af rimelig massiv gestikuleren. Vi har kun siddet ved bordet i hans åbne køkken ...
On a boat, surrounded by snow-covered mountains and icebergs in shades of blue, Qooqu Berthelsen points to the breaking sea ice as a worrisome sign. Now, though, something is worrying him and many ...