From mass refusals to boycotts to walkouts, regular Americans are bravely pushing back against the administration and having an impact.
For 10 years, the Rev. Jamie P. Washam has been posting inspirational, provocative, and amusing messages outside the church founded by Roger Williams in 1638.
America needs men and women of God who will boldly stand for biblical truth, regardless of political consequences.
As Lent began on Ash Wednesday (March 5), Catholic women frustrated over being disenfranchised by the church ... likes of ...
This past week, while at worship, I heard a member of the preaching team share a moving sermon on mercy. Forty-nine years ago during my first interview with a church’s pastoral search committee, one ...
Amid the rising international tensions and overwhelming flood of executive orders under the new Trump administration, it is ...
An Episcopal Church bishop who garnered international headlines for rebuking President Donald Trump in a sermon the day after ...
Back then, there were no laws or precedents protecting Ambrose from backlash he may have faced from Theodosius, who was known ...
The dream of a more inclusive, fair and just America is under attack — again. The upheavals roiling us today, though not ...
Why does every pulpit in the U.S. not ring with organizing opposition to this quiet overthrow of our government? | Opinion ...
Why does every pulpit in the U.S. not ring with organizing opposition to this quiet overthrow of our government? | Opinion ...
She called on Donald Trump, who was sitting in front of her, “to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now ...