Workmen who dug a ditch in front of a man's driveway were confronted by the homeowner pointing a crossbow in their direction.
In 2020, a Missouri lawmaker assisted a private investigator in tracking vehicles of top state officials. Lawmakers now want to bar the practice unless all vehicle owners give their consent.
ScarCruft, also called APT27 and Reaper, is a North Korean state-sponsored cyber espionage group active since 2012. Attack ...
Microsoft has reinstated the 'Material Theme - Free' and 'Material Theme Icons - Free' extensions on the Visual Studio ...
Smishing” is a combination of “SMS” and “phishing,” referring to deceptive tactics used to manipulate individuals into ...
This kill switch, the DOJ said, appeared to have been created by Lu because it was named "IsDLEnabledinAD," which is an ...
A federal jury in Cleveland has convicted a Texas man for deploying malicious code on his former employer's network, causing ...