Šumperský a jesenický deník pravidelně zařazuje rubriku s přehledem spoluobčanů, kteří zemřeli. Přinášíme přehled zesnulých v ...
A new season in any sport is ripe with optimism and enthusiasm, and that's how PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan sounded when he delivered a year-end video message that promised innovation and ...
Sepp Straka had never entered a final round with a lead on the PGA Tour until Sunday. In his two previous victories, he had to charge from far behind on the final day with no time to feel the nerves ...
Sepp Straka is the leader in the final round of the 2025 The American Express, the PGA Tour's kickoff to the West Coast Swing at PGA West on the Pete Dye Stadium Course. With Straka carrying a sizable ...
Prostate cancer is the third most common type of cancer among Filipino men, according to the World Health Organization. In 2022, almost 10,000 Filipino men were diagnosed with the disease, said Harvey ...
Radomil Procházka, dlouholetý kustod prvoligového klubu SK Dynamo České Budějovice, nečekaně končí po dvaceti letech služby. Přestože jeho práci oceňovali mnozí trenéři a hráči, důvod jeho odchodu ...
SAN JOSE — Josef Martinez has done a lot of winning in his career. The 31-year-old Venezuelan international won the MLS Cup with Atlanta United in 2018, a season where he won MLS MVP ...
Hokejový útočník Martin Straka se rozhodl pokračovat v aktivní kariéře. Mistr světa a olympijský vítěz, kterému bude v září 40 let, bude podle očekávání pokračovat v Plzni. Západočeský klub vede v ext ...
České Budějovice - Hokejisté Kladna vyhráli v utkání 36. kola na ledě Českých Budějovic 6:3 a utnuli čtyřzápasovou vítěznou sérii Motoru. Při triumfu Liberce v Pardubicích odmítli návrat na dno ...
Nick Taylor is a fan of a playoff. The Canadian hit a chip-in eagle on his final hole to get into a playoff at the Sony Open in Hawaii, and then he proceeded to win in a playoff for the third straight ...
Leading much of the veritable agronomy clinic was Jason Straka, who has a Bachelor of Science in landscape architecture from Cornell University along with a master's degree in professional studies ...