Highways throughout Colorado’s Eastern Plains reopened Wednesday evening after multiple closures for strong, damaging winds ...
A Columbus police dispatcher said the crash happened at 1:08 a.m. on I-70 east approaching the Interstate 270 interchange.
It’s the second time an officer has been struck on the busy interstate in north St. Louis in the past six months.
Both directions of Interstate 25 were closed south of Castle Rock after a series of semi truck slideouts in dangerous road ...
T-L Photos/GAGE VOTA New rest areas on Interstate 70, both east and westbound, host visitors on Monday. Lauren Borell, ...
A snowstorm battered the Colorado Rocky Mountains on Tuesday, March 18, and Wednesday, March 19, leading to multiple closures ...
In addition to low visibility, winds exceeding 50 mph and gusting to over 60 mph are likely to impact travel for high-profile ...
Interstate 70 was closed to east- and westbound traffic Wednesday morning between Salina and the Colorado state line. The 250 ...
The Kansas Department of Transportation has closed eastbound and westbound lanes of I-70 from Hays to the Colorado state line ...
Interstate 70 is fully open in both directions through Eagle County. 6:25 p.m.: Eastbound Interstate 70 is closed near Dowd ...
Both directions of Interstate 70 have reopened between the eastern edge of the Denver metro area and a town close to the ...