WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) - A Storm Team 12 Weather Alert is in place for Friday with wind gusts likely to top 50 mph and fire danger that will be extreme in many areas. Even though a few scattered rain ...
Bobby Bates Sr., owner of Built Rite Construction, is facing federal charges for defrauding customers in ten states of more ...
Pilots have long worried about the congested and complex airspace around the airport near the heart of the capital, where flights must maneuver around military aircraft and restricted areas. It was no ...
A man wanted for attempted murder in Kansas has been arrested following a standoff situation in Joplin. Our sister station, KSNF in Joplin, reports that it began around 11 a.m. when police were ...
Authorities last week announced that Hackman died at age 95 of heart disease with complications from Alzheimer’s disease as ...
In his first term, Trump also targeted the alcohol industry. A series of tit-for-tat tariffs hit alcohol products in the U.S. and the EU. The Biden administration suspended those tariffs, but now the ...