Schwerer Unfall in Berlin: Frau von Tram in Prenzlauer Berg erfasst. Rettungshubschrauber im Einsatz, Straße bis 21:30 Uhr ...
Trump advises on new bid which could give government 50% stake Zelensky reacts to 90-day suspension of US aid How Much Did American Pickers Pay For A Merz Cycle Car & How Many Are Left Today?
BERLIN — Friedrich Merz, the conservative frontrunner to become Germany’s next chancellor, suffered a major political defeat on Friday as his controversial immigration bill backed by the far right was ...
Der CDU-Vorstoß zur großen Migrationswende elektrisiert Deutschland. Friedrich Merz erhält von links heftige Kritik. Doch zwei Drittel der Deutschen unterstützen seinen Plan. Sogar die ...
The German Bundestag passed Friedrich Merz's so-called five-point migration plan — which promised a dramatic tightening of the country's migration and asylum law — through parliament.
Friedrich Merz and his Christian Democrats broke a political taboo by working with the hard-right Alternative for Germany to toughen rules on immigration. It did not pay off. By Christopher F.
German opposition leader Friedrich Merz has floated proposing legislation to tighten Germany's border controls, and claimed it would be on the SPD and Greens if he had to pass it with votes from ...
As part of its Confidence to Be platform, Merz Aesthetics surveyed 15,000 adults from around the world who have had an aesthetic treatment in the past or are open to having one in the near future.
Germany’s center-left governing parties have cast doubt on whether conservative leader Friedrich Merz can still be trusted not to bring the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, into ...
Offenbar gibt es Gesprächsbedarf. Nun erklärt Merz: Man habe mit SPD und Grünen gesprochen, die aber keine Änderungen wollten. "Wir müssen heute entscheiden." Unions-Kanzlerkandidat Friedrich ...
Dass Merz damals in seiner Rede die uncharmante Prognose geäußert hatte, am Ende würden Historiker über Erfolg oder Misserfolg ihrer Kanzlerschaft richten, stieß Merkel nach BILD-Informatione ...