The Husky MK III VMMD is a single occupant mine-resistant landmine and IED detection vehicle. Combat proven around the world since the early 1980s, the Husky is a unique landmine and IED detection ...
As U.S. forces prepare to leave Afghanistan, the Afghan army is getting some practice with high-tech American IED detection technology, such as this tethered balloon, known as the Aerostat.
OPENGATE screens for high-caliber assault weapons, handguns, knives and IED devices. The wire-free weapon detection system has two independent and self-powered pillars. OPENGATE is used nationwide ...
Soframe (France) unveiled the Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) designed for mine and IED detection and removal. The company is considering transferring some manufacturing operations to the UAE ...
The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG ... and explosives materials and related devices that can be used for making an improvised explosive device (IED), which can be used for ...
They said a bomb disposal squad reached the sport and destroyed the IED. The officials said the timely detection of the IEDs averted any possible harm to civilians or security forces in the area.