A health clinic in Lackawanna County met another need on Friday, feeding its patients and members of the community.
Federal funding cuts have Seacoast food pantry leaders fearful about ability to meet needs of local people. Here's how you ...
CHILLICOTHE ― Ross County food pantries may be in danger after Governor Mike DeWine proposed a budget cut that would affect banks across the state. The funding would be cut from $32 million to $24.5 ...
New perspective on the cancellation of the eleven million dollars in United States Department of Agircultyre funding that helped connect iowa farmers and their ...
The Good Shepherd Food Bank helps to distribute 500 million pounds of food to food pantries across the state. They have ...
New York Common Pantry is hoping city and state funding can help bridge any gap caused by federal cuts directed at sanctuary cities.
God's Storehouse, a food bank on Memorial Drive in Danville, is grappling with a potential crisis as the USDA plans to cut ...