In her spare time she loves scuba diving, hiking, swimming, running, and horseback riding.
Lee is a third year undergraduate student studying Communications and Media Studies. They’re passionate about music, culture and media theory. They hope to go to journalism school after graduating ...
The newly launched campaign against cuts and for increased investment in Memorial University calls itself # FundMUN. “Our university is celebrating 100 years … What better way to celebrate the ...
Students are calling on the university and the provincial government to reverse recent tuition hikes, fairly compensate students on unpaid work terms, fix the crumbling infrastructure, and ...
The Muse is always looking for volunteers. If you’re looking to build your skills in writing, photography, video editing, podcasting, or social media content the Muse is the place to be. If you are ...
Eamon is an undergraduate student studying Law and Public Policy. He has three years of journalism experience on his high school paper, including as Editor-in-Chief. He is passionate about ...
MUNSU is demanding a meeting with Premier Andrew Furey to discuss the impact of tuition hikes, rising living costs, and food insecurity on Memorial students. In a video posted on September 6th, ...
Students lay on floor of foodcourt at 'die-in.' (Bruce March/The Muse) Students protested MUN’s investment in companies tied to Israel’s war on Gaza this past Friday in what organizers called a ...