In a large-scale traffic check in Eindhoven the police took away thirty tuned fatbikes. Seven of rhe vehicles were ...
Politics - ASML and Summa College will work to ensure 800 internationals receive language lessons. The Dutch lessons should ...
Hbo and mbo students from the Design Academy and SintLucas will take classes together in The Glassroom, a glass classroom in ...
The Eindhoven fraction of 50PLUS has asked council questions about the low score the city receives from seniors regarding the ...
Business, Education, Event News, Healthcare, Lifestyle, NEWS, Sport - The enthusiasm is palpable, but they are also nervous.
NEWS, Politics - There will be a merger between Best and Oirschot. 'Unless very crazy things happen,' is the opinion of both ...
Business, Education, Lifestyle, NEWS, Politics - The final say is of course up to the municipal council, but if the plans go ...
NEWS - Because I am a little early for the interview with Jolanda Helversteijn, head, heart and hands of charity ...
Business, NEWS - The men from grid operator TenneT, who are currently replacing the high-voltage lines between Maasbracht and ...
A military plane will depart from Eindhoven airbase to Lebanon on Friday to evacuate Dutch citizens from the country. Another ...
Politics - The Party for the Animals, along with coalition parties D66 and GroenLinks in Eindhoven, are urging the mayor and ...
Business, Lifestyle, NEWS, Politics - Eindhoven's total budget for 2025 is 1.257 billion euros. Alderman Maes van Lanschot ...