In many ways, O'Brien's work here is an antidote to what Jamie Lloyd did with Ibsen's "A Doll House" on Broadway and starring ...
Ibsen’s scathing drama about medical and moral contagion gets a high-sheen Off Broadway staging starring a riveting Lily Rabe ...
As adherence to once-traditional social mores is being encouraged or applauded in some realms, the Lincoln Center Theater ...
Lincoln Center Theater is currently in previews with its production of Ibsen’s GHOSTS, featuring a new version by Mark O’Rowe ...
Irish playwright and screenwriter Mark O'Rowe has penned the new adaptation of Ibsen's play, with Jack O'Brien at the helm.
Lincoln Center Theater celebrated the opening night of Ibsen’s Ghosts, featuring a new version by Mark O’Rowe and direction ...
Irish playwright and screenwriter Mark O'Rowe has penned the new adaptation of Ibsen's play, with Jack O'Brien at the helm.